
What is NetPoulSafe ?

The NetPoulSafe project – Networking European poultry actors for enhancing the compliance of biosecurity measures for a sustainable production – is a EU thematic network on supporting measures to improve biosecurity compliance in poultry farming, designed to stimulate knowledge exchange between European poultry actors.

Collect, select, test and share the best supporting measures

The best supporting measures to improve biosecurity compliance in the poultry chain will be collected in 7 large poultry producing countries (France, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Belgium, the Netherlands and Poland),

The most promissing ones will be tested through pilot farms in differents countries and types of production. The validated supporting measures will be then disseminated to farmers and their advisers, for direct use in practice, thanks to 7 National multi-actor networks gathering around 500 people.

Building a european knowledge platform dedicated to biosecurity compliance

Videos, e-learning courses, best practice guides and many other resources issued from the project will be shared in a on-line knowledge platform, to help fields actors enhancing the level of biosecurity compliance throughout the whole poultry chain.

All actors of the poultry industry are invited to participate to the Netpoulsafe stakeholders network. Join us on board !

Biosecurity, a key issue for the poultry industry

Refering to recent AI crisis, there is an emerging need to manage biosecurity matters at local, regional, national and international levels to avoid farm to farm contamination.

Biosecurity practices are known often quite well, but compliance is not optimum in every country nor in each part of the poultry chain. Up to date, there is no easy source of information available on biosecurity in european countries. Therefore, this knowldege needs to be shared among european poultry professionals, from hatchery to slaughter.