
Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS)

Poland – sggw.pl

Contact: Artur Żbikowski

Poultry pathology, biosecurity, and welfare

WULS will contribute to a successful practical implementation of the results from the Netpoulsafe project.

We invite you to collaborate in solving the health problems of poultry flocks and improve the biosecurity implementation.

The Division of Avian Diseases (DAD) at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine WULS has a strong tradition in conducting didactic and scientific research. The Division conducts research to improve poultry production/performance and quality of poultry flocks veterinary care in the field. The research activity of the Division of Avian Diseases is conducted in collaboration with a wide net of stakeholders of the poultry production chain, which will assure a successful practical implementation of the NETPOULSAFE project and will contribute to wide dissemination of projects achievements. WULS is a WP2 leader, task 2.2 leader (WP2), and Network Facilitator in the project. The implementation of the project will increase the competence and more effective involvement of DAD in improving the quality of biosecurity on Polish poultry farms. The knowledge gathered in the project will support DAD partners in the innovative and sustainable development of best biosecurity practices.