

France ANSES is in charge of collection and analysis of the application of biosecurity practices at different steps of the poultry chain.

Spain CECAV will actively contribute to the dissemination and communication of the project throughout the EU and will be in charge together with CESAC of collecting data about Spanish Poultry AKIS.

Spain CESAC will develop the Project Handbook and will be in charge with CECAV of collecting data about Spanish Poultry AKIS and to disseminate the project results to them.

France Euroquality is supporting the daily management activities, integrating the project in the related R&I landscape and involved in dissemination and communication activities.

Belgium UGent will develop new versions of the Biocheck.Ugent tool, for five different poultry production systems like breeders, turkeys, ducks, free-range broiler, and free-range layers. Besides this Ugent will contribute to the multicountry data collection exercises.

Belgium ILVO is involved in stakeholder recruitment, assessment of implementation and evaluation of compliance of biosecurity measures in the farms taking part in this project. ILVO is also involved in dissemination and communication activities.

France INRAE is in charge of the task dedicated to the analysis of the existing biosecurity databases. INRAE will also participate to most tasks in NETPOULSAFE.

France Project leader, ITAVI is also coordinating the creation of the knowledge exchange platform. ITAVI participation includes data collection, testing in pilot farms and dissemination activities.

Hungary Naik participates in several tasks of the NetPoulSafe project, including data collection, testing supporting measures in pilot farms and dissemination activites in the local network.

France SNGTV will provide its veterinarian expertise on the practical implementation of biosecurity practices. SNGTV will participate in disseminating project results to the vets and through them, to the farmers.

Italy UNIPD is responsible of establishment and implementation of the pilot farms network. UNIPD will participate to implementation and evaluation of the supporting measures and creation of content for project dissemination.

Belgium Vetworks is in charge of social media communication and dissemination. Vetworks can rely on its expertise and network to actively contribute to to data collection, testing in pilot farms and dissemination activities.

Poland WULS is responsible for the whole task about collection and analysis of biosecurity data. WULS is also in charge of collecting more specifically the supporting measures to improve biosecurity compliance in poultry farms.

The Netherlands ZLTO is coordinating the creation and management of the 7 national AKIS poultry networks. ZLTO participates as well to data collection, testing in pilot farms and dissemination activities.