
Institut technique de l’Aviculture, ITAVI

France – itavi.asso.fr

Applied research institute for poultry

Contact: Anne-Christine DUFAY-LEFORT

Project leader, coordinating creation of the knowledge exchange platform, participation to data collection, testing in pilot farms and dissemination activities.  

ITAVI works as an interface between research and field actors, sharing its professional networks and expertise on different poultry production systems.

ITAVI is a French applied research and development Institute which serves professionals in the poultry, rabbits and aquaculture sectors

We contribute to adressing a public health issue and aim to identify and characterize the biological and physical impacts of chemical contaminants, identify risk factors and the controls levers for all the value chain, and develop prevention tools to ensure the health quality of the consumer products, health and wellbeing of workers and animals.

We aim at providing breeders, and all industry sectors, with reference materials; scientific, technical and economic information; and expertise enabling improved production sustainability, in the following sectors: nutrition, health and welfare, product quality, environment, and economics.

Founded in 1968, this association (status: non-profit organization) is steered by four colleges: breeders, feed production, farmers, and slaughterhouses.

ITAVI is a partner of ANSES in the Sanivol mixed technology unit (about health, hygiene and biosecurity), and NETPOULSAFE project is being run through this partnership.

We strongly believe that sharing knowledges and practices about biosecurity at a European level will contribute to prevent severe crisis/outbreaks and to improve biosecurity acceptance.