
University of Padua, UNIPD

Italy – unipd.it

Poultry health and welfare

Contact: Alessandra Piccirillo

Establishment and implementation of the pilot farms network, implementation and evaluation of the supporting measures, creation of content for project dissemination

UNIPD expertise is not enough to improve biosecurity compliance: a strong collaboration with the poultry production industry, including farmers, is necessary

Researchers from the Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science (BCA), University of Padua (UNIPD), participate to the NetPoulSafe project. Within BCA Department, research and education on poultry health and welfare are addressed by a multidisciplinary approach, including veterinary medicine and applied animal science. BCA Department expertise ranges from poultry husbandry and welfare to poultry infectious disease, including zoonotic microorganisms and antimicrobial resistance. This variety of skills allows BCA Department to fit perfectly with the NetPoulSafe project purposes. The research activity of the group, both as a leading group and as a participant in national and international projects, is developed in collaboration with a wide network of stakeholders of the poultry production chain, which will assure a successful implementation of the NetPoulSafe project in the field and will contribute to a wide dissemination of NetPoulSafe results and outcomes. UNIPD is leader of tasks 1.3, 3.3, and 4.3 that deals with the establishment and implementation of the pilot farms network and of the supporting measures, as well as the creation of contents for dissemination. Consolidated experience in research and higher education makes BCA Department a precious resource for the NetPoulSafe project.