
NetPoulSafe is launched !

Netpoulsafe project has started on October 1st for 3 years, and was officially launched on October 1, 2020.

The Kick-off meeting was supposed to take place in Paris, at the headquarters of ITAVI, the project leader. But the COVID-19 situation changed the plans, and the 14 partners for 7 european countries learnt to know each other in a Teams meeting.

All the participants will work together to build a sustainable european network , so as to collect and share information about biosecurity practices, and biosecurity supporting measures to improve compliance in poultry farming.

In the 6 coming months, they will build the network involving all different steps of the value chain from hatchery to slaughter, reflecting the diversity of species and types of productions in different countries.

If you are a poultry actor and wish to join the network, please fill up the contact form, you will be welcome to participate !


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